Our Testimonies
Audrey’s Story
“Today, I can truly say the Lord has re-created the inside of me. I don’t fully understand how, but I do know that allowing Him to come deeper than I thought possible has given me true freedom. I will carry the principles I have learned of working with the Holy Spirit and Dr. Irene throughout my entire life.”
“I had years of feeling trapped and anxious, alone and afraid. I was in my early college years and didn’t know why I felt different or why I struggled like I did. Everyday felt like a battle to simply focus on the tasks ahead. I had trouble believing God loved me; that I was even saved. For years, I prayed to Lord to heal me from the anxious thoughts, emotions, and fears I felt, but could not clearly identify or explain. I went up for prayer countless times at churches and conferences, worked with three different Christian counselors, read books and tried self-deliverance, breaking curses, binding and breaking everything I could think of in Jesus’ name, with no change on the inside. For periods, the fear would subside, but it would always come back, and I began feeling horribly discouraged, alone and stuck. ‘God, if You love me, why am I like this?’ I was longing to know the Father’s love for me as I heard about it taught at church, but I was trying to receive healing and deliverance out of the place of striving and religious works. I was seeking true freedom, and knew God had it, but did not have the slightest idea how to attain it. When I finally felt like there was nothing more to do and I was hopelessly trapped and alone, a counselor I was seeing suggested I meet with Dr. Irene Cirillo to see if she could offer me the help I needed. I was desperate and willing to try anything, so I went to see her.“
“In our first session together, I remember being introduced to working with the Lord. I closed my eyes and shared with Irene everything I was sensing, thinking, or feeling during our session together. I expected to have to strive to receive healing, but instead I experienced deep rest. I would share any sense or feeling I had while my eyes were closed and I sat with the Lord. I was relieved to find that I had great peace I had never experienced before when I worked with Dr. Irene in this way. In our first session, I was so relieved to learn I did not have a demon or an incurable psychiatric disorder as I feared I may have. Dr. Irene simply said, ‘You need to grow.’ I was so encouraged to learn that I was living out of a place of a wounded child that needed deep healing from the Lord, that He was able to give me. As time went by, the Lord reconstructed my thought patterns, understanding of myself, and showed me how He created my true self. He did this all from the place of being REAL and HONEST with myself and with Him. From having these deep placed healed, believing His truth about His love and presence came naturally because I was finally able to experience them for myself.”
“Today, I can truly say the Lord has re-created the inside of me. I don’t fully understand how, but I do know that allowing Him to come deeper than I thought possible has given me true freedom. I will carry the principles I have learned of working with the Holy Spirit and Dr. Irene throughout my entire life.”
Theresa & Tim’s Story
“What a great experience it was for my husband and I to take the Christ In Action Course! This course is invaluable and has helped us to trust God even more, and to know that He will bring healing as we work together.”
“What a great experience it was for my husband and I to take the Christ In Action Course! This course is invaluable and has helped us to trust God even more, and to know that He will bring healing as we work together. We are more aware of how the Holy Spirit touches us, each in our individual ways. As a result, we are more likely to receive Him and not think that He is ‘just our imagination.’ The CHRIST IN ACTION PRAYER course lasts a life time. Because of the skills we learned, we are able to work with one another and lean on the Holy Spirit to help us through life’s challenges. We also have helped our friends and relatives to learn how to communicate and work with the Holy Spirit toward healing. We truly believe that the Spirit of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, resides in each of us, and that that light shines brightly and warmly.”
“Life has so many challenges, but today I am not afraid of anything because I know that with His love, guidance and healing HE IS SUFFICIENT.”
Mary’s Story
“CHRIST IN ACTION PRAYER has been life changing. I have been blessed to work in partnership with the Holy Spirit and my healing change has been long lasting.
“CHRIST IN ACTION PRAYER has been life changing. I have been blessed to work in partnership with the Holy Spirit and my healing change has been long lasting. I can feel and see the changes in my life. I have better family and working relationships as a result of the healing that I have experienced working with the Lord. I can see my husband’s point of view instead of taking it personally and becoming defensive. When my children have a problem, we discuss it. I also have taught them how to talk to the Lord and seek His guidance, like I have learned in Christ In Action. When I started, I was a functional mess deep in denial and blaming others for it. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, I began to see my part in it all and I received lasting truth that I applied to my relationships. I am stronger and happier than I have ever been. Thank you Lord!”
Emily’s Story
“The way I pray is different and deeper. What can be more thrilling and important than being able to more clearly hear God? I thank the Lord every day for the Lord’s ministry, and for you Dr. Cirillo!”
“I have had in the past such anxiety at times, and unable to tell why or where it was coming from. After CHRIST IN ACTION PRAYER, I could see that my emotional reactions were the result of my thinking, and I stopped blaming my friends and family. My whole life started from a lie that I believed when I was just born, and with the Holy Spirit’s enlightenment and a true encounter with Jesus, my self-deceptions were dispelled. I found that my relationship with my mother is completely different now – honest and more loving. I also find that how I deal with others is different – I am more patient, and understanding. I know that that other person who may be over-reacting is probably ‘triggered’ and acting out their pain, illusions and deceptions in their life.”
“I have also found that my ability to hear the Lord, the Holy Spirit, is so much better! The way I pray is different and deeper. What can be more thrilling and important than being able to more clearly hear God? I thank the Lord every day for the Lord’s ministry, and for you Dr. Cirillo!”
Tom’s Story
“I would highly recommend CHRIST IN ACTION PRAYER to anyone seeking true and lasting release from the bondages that weigh you down. You can feel better and be changed!”
“At different times in my adult life I have been in various types of counseling and self-help programs. While all of these did have a use and benefit, in my opinion none have had the degree of success as CHRIST IN ACTION PRAYER.”
“Through CHRIST IN ACTION PRAYER, I have been blessed with the presence and input of Jesus Christ to receive what can only be described as true ‘mind renewal’. Once those painful memories, wounds and self-deceptions I held onto were uncovered, the Truth-Giver replaced them with His life-giving truth! This brought a peace that cannot be shaken. I had the false belief that the lies, which caused much of my over-reactions to life’s problems, actually protected me. Nothing could be farther from the truth. For myself, anger being a main issue, I finally have come to a place where I see the improvement and healing. I no longer have to be reassured by my wife that I am doing better. Now I know I am better! I see myself dealing with life’s stresses more rationally; not ‘jumping the gun’ and over-reacting.”
“I would highly recommend CHRIST IN ACTION PRAYER to anyone seeking true and lasting release from the bondages that weigh you down. You can feel better and be changed!”
Pam’s Story
“Well, step by step, with the guidance of Irene and the Holy Spirit, I learned to ‘let go and let God.”
“I’m pleased to share my testimony of how the Spirit of Jesus through CHRIST IN ACTION PRAYER has helped me personally. The greatest gift is how my personal relationship with Jesus Christ has been enhanced. It now seems perfectly normal for me to sit down and ‘talk’ to Jesus about absolutely everything. There was a time I didn’t feel worthy – that my problems were probably too small – that Jesus was busy with more important things. I carried a lot of ‘baggage’ from my own alcoholic past and from my dysfunctional childhood. I was angry, fearful and ashamed. Would Jesus really want to take the time to ‘fix’ me…to help me? I felt I’d let Him down so many times by making promises I didn’t keep and returning to destructive behavior towards others and myself.”
“Well, step by step, with the guidance of Irene and the Holy Spirit, I learned to ‘let go and let God.’ By just asking questions, checking to see if I was willing to let go of a resentment or my anger toward someone, if I was willing to go where the Lord might take me…slowly but surely I DID become willing, by the Grace of God. He opened my heart and my mind to believe that He not only could, but WOULD heal the pain, the hurts that were driving my emotions. After a while, I began to feel free of the self-deceptions and hurts that held me back from being the woman of Christ I really wanted to be. I became more secure in the love of the Lord for me…little ol’ me. I became more confident of who I am and who He wants me to be. I also became more loving, compassionate and forgiving of myself and the people who I had ‘issues’ with.”
Samuel’s Story
“I so appreciate that I could participate in the Christ In Action class and counsel with Dr. Cirillo and would recommend it to anyone seeking to grow closer to God and experience healing for their heart and mind.”
“I am a student at Bethany Bible Training Center and I joined Dr. Cirillo’s class on CHRIST IN ACTION PRAYER a year ago, not really knowing what the class was all about. I started going to counseling appointments to see and experience firsthand what we were learning in the class. Since then I finished the class and continued with counseling. I have been so impressed to see the healing that God has brought to others and me personally through this ministry.”
“In the CHRIST IN ACTION PRAYER class specifically, some of the things that really stood out to me was learning how to let Christ define who I am, how to recognize the voice of the Holy Spirit, and how to work with the Holy Spirit by allowing Him to bring healing. My relationship with God has grown so much in learning how He speaks and how to communicate with him. Also through the class, I have gained a desire to help others realize how God not only wants to speak to and have a relationship with us, but He is also more than willing and able to heal our hearts.”
“Through my individual sessions, God challenged me on submitting to His will and trusting that He has good in mind. He showed me places in my heart and attitudes that were not good and began a process of healing. Now I better understand the peace that passes understanding that the Bible talks about after God replaced anger and unforgiveness with his truth. He has started a work of tearing down the mindsets and things I have held on to that have been a source of much internal strife and have kept me from getting closer to Him.”
“I so appreciate that I could participate in the Christ In Action class and counsel with Dr. Cirillo and would recommend it to anyone seeking to grow closer to God and experience healing for their heart and mind. I plan to keep allowing the Holy Spirit to work in my life and keep using what I have learned and sharing it with others.”
Anne’s Story
“I cannot get enough of this class and how it has enlightened me in my walk with the Lord!”
“I cannot get enough of this class and how it has enlightened me in my walk with the Lord! It has given me knowledge of how He works and a stronger belief in Him! I always asked in prayer for Him to help me ‘listen’ to His voice, but this class has gone beyond that! I continue to watch in awe as He ministers to people with the help of a minister directing the receiver to receive Him! It is beyond understanding….especially mine….as I have struggled with my desire to ‘figure it all out’! This class has shown me I do need to ‘just listen’ and ask, and it shall be given….above and beyond what I could imagine!”
“As a result of this class, I want to continue to do more in my own listening to Him as well as help others to do the same. The love He gives in ministering to others is also a testimony; I have seen His love as He ministers to others in class. Also, Dr. Irene exhibits it as she teaches Christ In Action…and ministers to those receiving CIA. The knowledge given in how the Lord physically and emotionally heals is awesome….as only He being the “Great Physician” can do. Seeing the results of this ministry and practicing it only makes me to want more.”
“I have learned, and continue to learn how to not strive in my own efforts, but to “leave it with Him” and not try to figure it out…”
“I am soooo aware of His creative ways that far exceed anything I could even begin to understand! If there is anyone who is able to have the opportunity to take this class….you are privileged and chosen by the Lord!”
“It has been interesting, to say the least, in discovering how I resist the Holy Spirit during my training in the Christ In Action course.”
“My favorite verse from the beginning of my walk with the Lord, was: ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding…’. I loved this verse because it told me I didn’t have to figure it all out…just trust Him! In this class, I realized how much I do still depend on myself in trying to understand what is going on in my life and others. I am trying to ‘just listen to Him’ and resist the need to figure it all out. I can’t say I always believe it is Him….Lord, help my unbelief!”
“I also resisted the Holy Spirit in my desire to ‘do it my way’ in some areas even though I know He knows best! I do pray ‘Your will, not mine’ but am not sure I really mean it in my heart. Learning about the experiences in our lives having a lasting effect in my heart and how that all comes out is amazing. Again, how God has physically made us is more than we could fathom!”
“I realize that my resisting the Holy Spirit when I am receiving prompts from Him is a continual process. I have become more aware of the ways He works to bring my attention to the signals in my body that are being used.”
“I am aware that during the time He may be speaking to me, I want to end the discomfort…or what He says may not be where I want to go. I now know I need to stay with Him and wait on Him against my need to end it. And when I think I am not hearing Him….that it is my own voice.”
“Doubting is a huge resistance for me. Learning how to question to deal with this is wonderful. Being open and receptive to hearing Him has been my goal.”
“I am learning to be humbly ready to go where He would have me to go….and say it….to see what He does.”
Kathryn’s Story
“CHRIST IN ACTION PRAYER works. I highly recommend this amazing process to everyone. Thank you thank Father, God and Dr. Cirillo.”
“God truly performed brain surgery on me during a CHRIST IN ACTION PRAYER session with Dr. Irene Cirillo on May 26, 2012. I saw flashing lights, felt tingle sensations in my head, and also in my eye sockets. The sensations went clockwise from the right side of my brain all the way around my head. I felt so numb that I could hardly talk at times. When I closed my eyes, it looked like a camera was going off. It looked like the flash of a camera, yet I had no pictures of specific memories. I did see blobs of color – green and blue in the left eye and yellow in the right eye. I felt heat all through my body especially around my heart and stomach areas. I felt very happy, euphoric even. I could not stop smiling and felt the need to laugh. I felt such peace, calm, happiness, joy, and hope. God seemed to be working from the right side of my brain and then moved to the back. The process seemed to repeat on the back of my brain and then went to the left and front of my head. God said that He was changing my perspective. I could almost smell burning. He said that he was burning nerve endings. During this quite amazing process, I also felt tingling in both legs. I could see the Lord burning off the ends of axons, dendrites, and nerve endings. I could almost smell this cauterization.”
“God was causing my brain to fire. That was why it looked like a flash going off when I closed my eyes. He said that He was writing a new song in my heart (a happy song). He said the tingling in my eye sockets was Him changing my perspective from pessimism to one of optimism (happiness and joy). He was removing the negative tape and taking it away. It will be like the negative tape never existed. The tape contained negative memories and thought patterns. He said that He was restoring my youth and that things would be good. ‘Life is Good.’ would be my new motto. Happiness, peace and joy would be my new companions.”
“Even after this process, my brain felt very tingly. My right hand was shaking. My head felt a little sore even. It was like nothing I have ever experienced before. It was wild! Thank you Lord!!!”
“Working with Dr. Cirillo has been life changing for me. I was depressed, bitter and angry most of my life and now I cannot retrieve those memories that once oppressed me. I am happy and enjoy my life. I am not blaming others or my wife, or myself! I recognize that I had deep childhood pain that needed healing and uprooting. The Holy Spirit’s tender, loving care healed those areas in my heart and brought freedom and truth. God has used her so much to assist Him in bringing huge healing for me.”
“One other session that stands out for me was when God was dealing with a childhood memory. I had always struggled with claustrophobia as long as I can remember. I had no specific memory to connect with causing it. I also did not believe that I had any repressed memories. During this session the Lord took me to a memory as a little girl. I was sitting on the bottom of a large book self and my mother’s fist was coming right at me. She hit me in the head causing me to hit my head on the book shelf. It seemed so real that I felt like that little girl. The Lord healed this memory and it is amazing that after this session, my claustrophobia went entirely away. Praise God!!! CHRIST IN ACTION PRAYER works. I highly recommend this amazing process to everyone. Thank you, thank you Father God and Dr. Cirillo.”
Marlene’s Story
“The Lord has granted me much grace in teaching me through Christ In Action training from Irene.”
“The Lord has granted me much grace in teaching me through Christ In Action training from Irene. These are some things I have learned:
- I have greater faith as a result of God responding to me personally through work with Irene. I had wondered if ‘it’ would really work.
- I have greater understanding that God knows me infinitely better than I know myself, and I can trust Him to ‘connect the dots’ for me about what I have experienced in the past and what really resides in my heart.
- I have greater understanding of the limits of my own logic/head knowledge compared to the omniscience of God.
- I have greater patience with myself to accept His truth when the Holy Spirit reveals to me something in my heart I don’t like.
- I have the freedom to explore my anger and unforgiveness issues (when they arise) and to seek understanding about their root cause before rushing to give them up too soon.”
Isabella’s Story
“Through CHRIST IN ACTION PRAYER, God has changed me and my life in just a few months. I have a new joy and a new outlook on my life. I have a new purpose and a new zest for life!
“The Holy Spirit is much more at work today than I had ever believed, and He desperately wants a more intimate relationship with me! I know that it blesses Him when I give Him more of my conscious thought and increasingly embrace His Presence.”
“While I consider myself a good listener, I am humbled to know that the Holy Spirit is the One who has gifted me with this and uses it for His own glory. I’m simply the conduit of His blessing others; it is not my effort or goodness.”
“I praise God for the opportunity to learn some of what He has taught Irene about healing prayer ministry and how I can use it to bless others. I am grateful for knowing Irene after hearing about her from many who have previously benefited from her ministry and therapy.”
“Christ In Action course help me learn how I have resisted the Holy Spirit personally. Also, I notice how I resist the Holy Spirit as I help others to follow the Holy Spirit:
“I resist by being busy, by wanting to get my ‘to do’ list completed before sitting down with the Spirit. I learned this on a deeper level while taking this course.”
“As I practice helping others as a prayer minister, my ability to ask the Holy Spirit appropriate questions in keeping a session moving forward has been a resistance. I realize that this is not an exact science and that the Lord is gracious with my attempting to ask questions no matter how well I am doing. Actually, it keeps me from thinking I am doing this in my own strength.”
“Another resistance has been using my logic to interpret or make sense of what the Holy Spirit is saying. I am beginning to feel more comfortable with following His lead, not understanding the whole picture and continuing to ask Him for clarity.”
“I am beginning to be more comfortable with unexpected responses from the Holy Spirit that are different than what I would have normally expected. I guess I have another ‘new normal.’ I have a new awareness of my own limited understanding of His workings.”
“Another resistance is my judging myself by what the Holy Spirit is revealing. He wants me to understand what is in my heart, confess what I need to and accept His grace to move forward in increased humility. I have been harder on myself than He wants me to be; His desire is to grow me up more to maturity without the added motivation of condemnation.”
“My resistance of being embarrassed/concerned that I won’t be ministering ‘right’ goes along with what I am learning about myself in a Bible study on heart idols. I have bowed to the idol of a desire for approval from people. But the Lord did not create me to look good and perform well for affirmation from people.”
Amanda’s Story
“I thoroughly enjoyed your classes on Christ in Action Prayer. I found your ministry model and application were very practical and effective. I appreciate your firm, kind modeling as you led us through each lesson. As I watched the Holy Spirit healed His people, I found these sessions fascinating. Each guest experience offered new insights into how immediate and involved Holy Spirit is willing to be in order to help untangle our hearts.”
“I thoroughly enjoyed your classes on Christ in Action Prayer. I found your ministry model and application were very practical and effective. I appreciate your firm, kind modeling as you led us through each lesson. As I watched the Holy Spirit healed His people, I found these sessions fascinating. Each guest experience offered new insights into how immediate and involved Holy Spirit is willing to be in order to help untangle our hearts.
When I consider how the Christ in Action training helped me grow deeper in my relationship with the Holy Spirit, Jesus and God, I can see how this Holy Spirit ministry exposed and opened hidden doors and windows in my heart and freed up more room for Jesus.
The lessons on hindering the full ministry of Holy Spirit were helpful to me. I found that I would stay busy, distract myself, and avoid quiet times. I got a glimpse of how patient Holy Spirit has been with me. I learned the importance of asking Holy Spirit what He thinks and where He wants to go with a thing. I learned to give Holy Spirit the last word, too. He wants to get the job finished while it appears I might be satisfied with merely identifying the source of an issue.
I have grown as I used the intervention prayers. My favorite has been “If this…….is not of You, will you take it away and fill me with YOUR truth. Again, I enjoyed the guest sessions, as I watched the Holy Spirit heal His people. I gained personal insight with each experience. I got to witness the Holy Spirit’s tenderness, playfulness, authority, creativity and strength. The guests were very brave to be so open before their peers. They were willing to take the chance in order to receive deeper healing. I imagine we all wanted Holy Spirit to meet a need and reveal Himself to us. Not one person was disappointed.
I am amazed that I am/we are so important to God. Time and time again I saw Holy Spirit tailor an approach to reveal, restore and love an individual receiving ministry. It is easier to pray to a God who cares so tenderly for me and us.”
Linda’s Story
“I praise God for the opportunity to learn some of what He has taught Irene about healing prayer ministry and how I can use it to bless others.”
“Through CHRIST IN ACTION PRAYER, God has changed me and my life in just a few months. I have a new joy and a new outlook on my life. I have a new purpose and a new zest for life! I have that happiness that I could see on children’s faces, like, ‘life is good.’ I have an inner peace now that goes beyond understanding.
“Using what I learned during CHRIST IN ACTION PRAYER, I pray to God on my own for healing or help with a problem, and God responds in a tangible form! It’s like my home or wherever I am becomes God’s own personal healing center. CIA gives me access to this secret place to be healed by the Wonderful Counselor and the Great Physician. I’m experiencing physical, emotional, and spiritual healing that is long lasting and life changing!
“Here’s an example of an emotional healing… but let me tell you a little about my background first… About 25 years ago, during college, I knew that I was sad and anxious more than others seemed to be. On my first visit to a psychologist, he diagnosed me with depression and I walked out with a prescription for an anti-depressant within 20 minutes. Initially, I felt better, but it had many negative side effects so after a few years I decided to stop and realized I had changed for the worse. I drudged through years of therapy, telling the same stories over and over again with no resolution. I read stacks of self-help books on changing attitudes, mindsets and excuses. I didn’t like living. Life was a constant struggle.
“About three years ago, my grandma died and I went on a search for truth about God. He saved me and He turned my life around. I attended church and got the best teaching available, but even with all that the Lord had done, I was still not experiencing the joy I kept hearing about. I went to a deliverance ministry and they tried to yell at the depression but that only made me more aware of the evil spirits operating in my life, causing more fear and anxiety.
“Then God pointed me to Christ in Action! I came to a session and asked to have healing from sadness and depression. God led me to the roots of where I needed healing…feelings of abandonment during a serious childhood illness and hospitalization, a parent’s betrayal resulting in divorce, and other difficult events throughout my life. Those roots were deep and full of emotions that I felt as a child and didn’t know what to do with. They got fuller over the years with more hurtful emotions piled on top. That’s why my present emotions were amplified – they tapped into those roots of emotions that went deep so that I would feel that deep pain in the present.
“While God showed me each of those events, He was healing those roots and memories. It was apparent physically and emotionally that the old bottled up emotions were naturally released. As He replaced lies with truth and cleaned out those hurtful emotions, the unclean spirits had to leave in a natural process where I knew what was happening, but didn’t have to acknowledge them as such or even give them my attention. It is a beautiful process of love, compassion and gentleness.
“Those old roots grew fruit that was tainted with fear, anxiety and anger. Life was a constant struggle and emotions were amplified because of the old roots that were constantly activated. I can finally can say ‘Life is good!’ Now with resurrected roots, which have become the new wineskins full of the Holy Spirit, I can grow the Fruit of the Spirit~ Joy, Peace, Love! There is more of Him and less of me! Now I feel His love more deeply, I feel peace more deeply because He replaced the hurt feelings with His feelings!
“Here’s an example of a physical healing… I was experiencing pain throughout my body, mostly in my muscles. I knew that I was too young to have such aches and pains so I worked on it in CHRIST IN ACTION PRAYER. He showed me that I had muscle memories. I learned that our cells have memory, our lives are stored in our cells. For example, there was one muscle that was constantly spazzing out and causing me pain and actually affected my gait as I walked. This went on for a couple of months and my massage therapist and chiropractor could give me short term relief, but I had to keep asking for help. When I put Christ into action on it, He showed me that it was a muscle memory of my dad spanking me when I was about 5 or so. Jesus took me to my memory, including the smell of alcohol on his breath and a sickening grin on my dad’s face like he was enjoying it and having fun while hurting me. All of a sudden I felt a deep hatred for my dad. I honestly thought that I had forgiven him and that my anger at him was gone, but this was undeniable. That anger, hatred, fear and anxiety was stuck in my muscle, plus it was doubled by my dad’s own anger that he was forcing into me with his hand. The Lord also showed me that I believed that I deserved the pain because I had hurt my sister. Since I believed I deserved to be spanked, I used it to punish myself. The Lord showed me that this became a theme in my life for self-punishment. I unconsciously had been punishing myself my whole life for things I had done wrong. He told me that He had forgiven me for those things and He helped me forgive myself. No wonder I didn’t like myself very much. I gave the anger and hatred to Jesus and He took it, releasing me and redeeming me, saving me from hurt and harm. Now I can hardly picture my dad spanking me at all, the memory in my mind is gone!! He healed those muscle memories, too. That muscle is no longer spazzing and the way I walk has changed. The fascia and other muscles and bones in my hips are free and I’m walking with new freedom and energy. I’m free from the chains and bondage that made me limp, that kept me from walking with freedom in Christ.
“During another session, Christ showed me that I had a victim mindset. He showed me that it affected how I viewed people as potential sources of hurt. The belief that I was a victim opened the doors for predators. Life was a scary thing and I had to constantly be on the defense. That false belief about who I was affected the choices I made. For instance, I was consciously aware that I was choosing to date men that I knew would eventually hurt me or who weren’t good for me. I didn’t know why I did it, but now I do…we choose the love we believe we deserve. Through CHRIST IN ACTION PRAYER, Christ showed me that I was choosing those men because, unconsciously, I believed that’s what I deserved, I was still operating in the belief that I needed to punish myself. Those men reinforced that false belief that I was a victim, that people would eventually hurt me. God showed me that I was also being led by those buried childhood feelings of abandonment and betrayal from my dad’s betrayal of my mom when I was young. My brain had been programmed to look for and operate in victimization. God not only healed those feelings, He healed my brain programming! God revealed that I was using pity and self-pity to get my needs met, and those are all part of the victim mentality. Now that He’s healed me, my relationship with Him has changed dramatically! I am not going to him in a ‘poor-me’ way, like a toddler would cry, ‘please God, I need you. Boo hoo.’ And I didn’t have much faith in Him because I was stuck in my fear and anxiety, I was a victim and I believed I would always be. I didn’t even know I was doing that until I got healed and my approach to Him had changed! It was so dramatic that I wasn’t sure who I was and who I was to Him. He reassured me that our relationship was getting closer and that the changes were good. That’s when I knew that He was getting me closer to my identity in Christ.
“Since we are overcome by the power of our testimony, I’m sharing more! Here is an emotional healing that led to physical healing… Thankfully, He knows me better than I know myself. I wouldn’t have figured out that I was using anger to try to control people. God showed me that I had learned as a child, that anger could control others. I watched my dad use anger to control my mom and me. God showed me that’s why I now use the silent treatment when I’m angry, to try to make the other person feel bad and apologize. So since I was using this anger, I kept it plugged up and didn’t release it. This buried anger manifested in physical form in depression, headaches and what doctor’s rightly called, irritable bowel syndrome, even though they had no idea how to treat it. Now since the Lord has taken my anger, I experience life and view people much differently. I didn’t know it before, but I was living in a false world where my perceptions, thoughts and feelings were clouded by anger. When it was gone, I knew that I had been stuck in a stronghold of anger that acted like a veil between the world and me and between me and God. He revealed that I was mad at Him and that anger had gotten between us, making it difficult for me to hear Him and trust Him. This anger at God went way back to childhood so I didn’t even know it existed. We don’t know what we don’t know. I had buried emotions that were still alive… still eating at me and I didn’t know it. When fear or heartache would come in the present, the fears and heart aches of the past would become agitated and my whole body became a boxing ring for those past emotions that were fighting to get out. My system was plagued with pain, discomfort and illness and I was hospitalized twice. Doctors called my symptoms ‘irritable bowel syndrome’ without knowing what they were really talking about. Now I know that my body was irritated by all the fear, anxiety and anger that I had buried deep down inside. God has released these feelings and I’m no longer irritable and neither are my insides.
“Here is an example of how He healed my mind… Unaware of it at the time, my mind would go into negative toxic thought patterns and I would get stuck in my anxiety and had no idea what to do or how to get help. My mind would go into a downward spiral and I would be stuck in worst case scenario thoughts and was unable to make rational decisions because my mind was constantly rotating within negative thought patterns. Through Christ in Action, I’ve learned about these negative toxic thought patterns and how they developed in childhood because of inconsistencies, abuse, an alcoholic father, and other problems. Christ himself has done actual work on my brain to cut off these toxic-thought black holes and to get my neurons into more healthy patterns of thought!! I can feel Him gently yet diligently working in my brain! One day in a single instant, He flipped the switch and started my mind in a new pathway full of hope and peace and calm. When this happened, I knew He had done something BIG! A lot of static was gone… my mind wasn’t going from one thing to another. He showed me that I had divided attention in my brain because I had become so ‘good’ at multi-tasking! Before I could watch tv and surf the net at the same time, check a text and still be on the phone with someone, and read and listen to music at the same time. This multi-tasking was taxing my brain and making my neuron pathways go haywire! Now I am able to concentrate better and I no longer try to make my mind do 3 things at once. I am now in the present like never before! I’m not living in the past or future, I am living Now, where God is! This healing has given me a tremendous amount of peace and a sound mind! Now I know that I can have the mind of Christ.
“These are only a few of my healing experiences with Christ in Action. I have only been doing this prayer for a few months but it has already changed my life. There is nothing quite like experiencing Christ in Action… to feel and know that the God of the Universe is spending hours healing my hurt feelings and hurtful past experiences is sweet and exhilarating at the same time!! When others told you to ‘just get over it,’ God cares about it and wants to totally heal you from it so you can be called an overcomer! This is life-giving, life-affirming, it is life more abundant!”